Where is Silas’s gold?
When Dunstan Cass left the cottage, Silas Marner was only a hundred meters away. He came back at home and ate dinner. After that he wanted to see his gold, when he took up the floorboards near the loom, he saw the empty hole, he did not understand at once. He thought put his gold in a different place and forgotten about it. He searched every corner of his small cottage but he can’t find anything. He had to accept the truth- his gold had been stolen!
He must go and tell the Squire, and the police! So he hurried out in the rain without coat, and ran towards the rainbow. Five villagers at the Rainbow. Robbed! Cried Silas. He told to villagers Jem Rodney stolen my gold. But Jem moved quickly away and said not me. But Silas persist. After that the landlord taking Silas by the arm and sat down by the fire. Silas told the story to the villagers but the landlord answered to him that Jem been sitting here drinking with us all evening. So he’s not the thief. Then Silas had to apologize from Jem and Jem accepted his apologize.

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