Thank you so much for your willingness to make a difference in the lives of children by helping out with Sports Camp 20--.

Check-in & Checkout

-    Make sure when campers arrive at your sport that they each have a name tag with your sport and their group listed on it. If they don’t, it means they may not have signed in, or may not have signed a waiver. Send one of your assistant coaches back with them to the registration table to get a name tag. Check each night for name tags.

-    Assistant coaches will be responsible for checking children out and dismissing them from camp each night. Campers do not leave until they are checked out by the assistant coach. (On Family Night, they will be checked out before going to team-building.)

Safety and First Aid

-    Once campers arrive at your sport each night, they are not to leave your area without an assistant coach accompanying them. This means that campers need to be escorted to and from the registration table, refreshments, team-building, water breaks, etc. If a camper gets hurt, escort him or her to the church lobby (registration table) for first aid assistance. If it is urgent, call our camp nurse (###-####). If it is an emergency, dial 911, and then call the camp nurse and the camp director (###-####). This means that you will need to have your cell phone with you each night.

-    Give your campers plenty of water breaks each night. All sports will have coolers and cups (or water fountains) nearby.

-    Make sure to include a proper warm up/stretch and cool down/stretch period for the campers each night.

Family Night

-    On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, pass out flyers and remind campers to invite their parents to come out for Family Night on Thursday.

-    On Thursday night, the campers will warm up/stretch, and then you will lead them in some sort of exhibition where they will demonstrate to their parents what they have learned that week. This can be a game/scrimmage format or a skills demonstration. You will lead them in a cool down/stretch time, check them out, and send them to team-building. This time they will be in one big group, along with their parents. This is when we will present awards. You must check them out before they go to team-building because the campers will not return to your sport again. (If any of the campers do not have a parent there, you will need to keep track of that child during Family Night, until their parent arrives and can sign them out.)

-     After team-building is over, everyone, including workers, campers, and parents will head to the fellowship hall for an ice cream social where the camp highlight video will play while they eat ice cream. Once people are finished eating their ice cream, they are free to leave, and you can go clean up your area.

General Guidelines

-    Pray, pray, pray for the workers and campers. Pray for safety and salvation.

-    Keep a wristwatch or other timepiece with you and stay on schedule!

-    Remember that this camp is an outreach. Most of the campers will not be church members, so please be Christ-like in all of your actions and attitudes as you relate to campers, their parents, and other coaches. Make sure you encourage them to come back to church. Mostly, make sure they have fun while learning a little about their sport and about Jesus!

-     Make campers feel welcome. Encourage them to invite their friends and families to come the next night and to Family Night.

-     Each night, encourage campers to come back and bring their friends.

-     Remember that you are responsible for gathering up/borrowing the equipment for your sport. If you need help with that, let the camp director know. (We can ask the other coaches if they have any at home; some equipment may be at the church.)

-     During each of the four skill sets, teach the campers a different skill. (Try to cover the basics of your sport.) Remember to keep it age-appropriate. You may want to divide the campers into age groups within your sport since we have such a broad span of ages and skill levels.

-    During competition time, make sure you have planned an age-appropriate game or competition for your campers.

-    You are responsible for setting up, taking down, and cleaning up your area each night.

-    Each night you will be responsible for choosing one (or two if you cannot decide) camper who best demonstrated the theme for that night. We will provide certificates for you to give to these campers at the end of the night.
Monday: All-Star Attitude
Tuesday: Hustle Hero
Wednesday: Terrific Teamwork
Thursday: Fantastic Finisher (everyone will receive a certificate)

-    Remember that you will have a different number of campers each night because new kids will show up, and some will switch sports.

-    Cell phones will be for head coaches only. Please help us enforce this with your youth helpers. Head coaches are permitted to use cell phones only for urgent matters related to Sports Camp.

Station Location

•    Volleyball (Court 1 in gym)
•    Basketball (Court 2 in gym)
•    Soccer (field between street and backstop)
•    Baseball/Softball (field next to playground, in front of backstop)
•    Cheerleading (fellowship hall)
•    Registration (church lobby)
•    First Aid (registration table, church lobby)
•    Team-building (sanctuary)
•    Refreshments (FLC lobby)
•    Ice Cream Social (fellowship hall)

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