Shows the passing down of kingship, the symbols for king –MAYA
Aztec tribute system They would go to oteher places and the other groups would be made to donate tribute items in food clothes and sacrifice, but they could keep their religion.. AZTEC
Ballcourts/ ballgame
Buried mosaics/ offerings (olmec) • La Venta – Archectural & Ritual
– Buildings covered in red clay
– Adobe blocks
– White sand floors
Calpolli- capulli Land holding group, clans of people / would uphold eachothers
Cacao • Honduras
– Puerto Escondito
• Domestication of cacao, traded all over the place
Cenote deep sinkhole in Limestone; pool at the Bottom; Yucatán= Used for ritual purposes and for obtaining water
Ceiba tree Branches into the heavens middle into the natural world and top in the heavens
Colossal basalt heads (olmec) Individual leaders of people
Chinampas Man made islands that Aztecs built in the lake.. very fertile and grew crops on them
Domestication / domesticates – Squash 8000 BC
– Maize (corn) 3400 BC
Dynastic kingship
Roots in the Late Formative
• San Bartolo Murals
– Power & authority focused on
single individual (king)
– Reinforced through monuments, temples, texts, images
Politico-religious rationale
– Based in lineage/descent from a Founder
– Patrilineal, primogeniture
– Palenque (Lady Zac Kuk); Naranjo (Lady Six Sky)
Ethnographic analogy Comparing modern day people to ancient people used to interpret archaeological remains
E groups – uaxactun the 4 astronomuical plats with one looking over each other used to monitor the star
Pyramid of the sun –teotihuacan Teotihuacan opposite pyramid of the moon on the street of the dead,
Human sacrifice Tonali gave them his life for the humans so the humans should give their life for them
Huitzilopochtli The god of war, patron god of the Aztecs
Jade Is from mountains of Guatemala trade through Honduras
Lifecycle theory The ancestors can come back and affect your life
Gender as socially constructed deep history culture, there are so many different aspects
Maize Main domesticxate and ritual important people coming from the corn
Maya hieroglyphs texts provide record of military alliances, victories, and defeats
• history
– individual kings
– alliances & war
– religion
– views of time
• First deciphered in 1950’s
– Yuri Knorozov suggested glyphs were phonetic (1958)
– Glyphs are composed of consonant-vowel combinations
• Read top to bottom, left to right by pairs:
• Hieroglyphs: elite focused
Maya calendar Called the long count 365 day year, 18 months, months were 20 days long and there were five extra days
Quetzalcoatl Did not like sacrifice, everyone worshiped him, Aztec named him this
Radiocarbon dating C14 measures the amunt of radio carbon
Shell Came from gulf coast and yucutan, ritual importance
San bartolo murals Showed MAYA, the creation of humand and the coronation of the king, earliest depiction of kings
Caves Entrances to the underworld…
Tzompantli The skull racks, Aztec and maya, some are real skull and some are carved.. trophy rack to show evidence of warfare
Tonali Life force, what Aztecs get from sacrifice
Tlaloc Rain god, very very important everyone worshiped him
Tripod vessels Little bowls with three feet, teotihuacan most likely traded with them
Templo mayor Big temple at the Aztec city, with two temples on top, where big sacrifice was
Tlatoani The Aztec king
The long count The maya calendar
Talud tablero architecture Teotihuacan stair architecture
4 cornered world All believed in this north south east and west and that it is flat all meso believd
4 tiered hierarchy of maya city states Kings, elites, commorners
Great pyramid-olmec – Over 30m high, nearly 100,000 cubic meters of earth
At la venta, important that it had to be organized by a leader to show social hierarchy
Pipiltin Nobleman of Aztecs
Pantheism Belief in many gods and everyone believed in pantheism
Obsidian Everyone usd it.. volcanic glass
Feminist critiques of science Not objective and arch should be more inclusive to women bc things can be viewed very differently from the still silent point of view
Mountains Bring you closer the gods
Multi layered universe There is and underworld human world and an heaven and the whole world is resting on a crocodile
Machehualli The Aztec commoners class
Maya mathematics Base 20 the concept of zero …a line equal 5 and a dot equals 1
Maya warfare –evidence Victims, textual accounts, weapons
Stela Big giant status made of the kings .. put out in the public liegitimized the kings as rulers
Spearthrower owl King of tikal.. supposed to be descendant of teotihuacanos… but they never legitimized it
King yax nuun ayiin I The founding king of tikal that took leadership from spearthrower owl
K’inich yax k’uk mo’
Sijak k’ak
MAYA- tikal, copan, Palenque, chiten itza, kirigua, cala mul
Lady zak kuk- the mother of king pical … mayan when her son was too young to rile
King pical- buried under the big pyramid in Palenque
Tikal Maya.. located in guatamala rainforest
Copan Maya.. on Honduras
Quirigua Maya …Next to copan
Calakmul Maya
Palenque Maya
San bartolo Maya
San Lorenzo Olmec
La venta Olmec
El manati Olmec
-1600 bc- 1200 bc
Monte alban Zapotec
San jose mogote Zapotec
Teotihuacan Aztec
Chichen itza Maya
Aztlan Where Aztecs belive their mythical homeland is
Preclassic (Formative)
BCE 2000–250 CE Unknown culture in La Blanca and Ujuxte, Monte Alto culture
Early Preclassic BCE 2000–1000 Olmec area: San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan; Central Mexico: Chalcatzingo; Valley of Oaxaca: San José Mogote. The Maya area: Nakbe, Cerros
Middle Preclassic BCE 1000–400 Olmec area: La Venta, Tres Zapotes; Maya area: El Mirador, Izapa, Lamanai, Xunantunich, Naj Tunich, Takalik Abaj, Kaminaljuyú, Uaxactun; Valley of Oaxaca: Monte Albán, Dainzú
Late Preclassic BCE 400–200 CE Maya area: Uaxactun, Tikal, Edzná, Cival, San Bartolo, Altar de Sacrificios, Piedras Negras, Ceibal, Rio Azul; Central Mexico: Teotihuacan; Gulf Coast: Epi-Olmec culture
200–900 CE Classic Maya Centers, Teotihuacan, Zapotec
Early Classic 200–600 CE Maya area: Calakmul, Caracol, Chunchucmil, Copán, Naranjo, Palenque, Quiriguá, Tikal, Uaxactun, Yaxha; Teotihuacan apogee; Zapotec apogee; Bajío apogee.
Late Classic 600–900 CE Maya area: Uxmal, Toniná, Cobá, Waka', Pusilhá, Xultún, Dos Pilas, Cancuen, Aguateca; Central Mexico: Xochicalco, Cacaxtla; Gulf Coast: El Tajín and Classic Veracruz culture
Terminal Classic 800–900/1000 CE Maya area: Puuc sites – Uxmal, Labna, Sayil, Kabah
900–1519 CE Aztec, Tarascans, Mixtec, Totonac, Pipil, Itzá, Ko'woj, K'iche', Kaqchikel, Poqomam, Mam
Early Postclassic 900–1200 CE Cholula, Tula, Mitla, El Tajín, Tulum, Topoxte, Kaminaljuyú, Joya de Cerén
Late Postclassic 1200–1519 CE Tenochtitlan, Cempoala, Tzintzuntzan, Mayapán, Ti'ho, Gumarcaj, Iximche, Mixco Viejo, Zaculeu